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Aside from eating healthy, one major part of staying healthy is exercising.


The easiest way for kids to get the exercise they need is to take part it sports. Playing for 1 hour a day can help burn calories and as an added bonus it improves mood, relieves stress, helps prevent health problems, and most important, it helps make you feel better about yourself.


For adults or even kids the easiest way to stay healthy is to jog or bike ride. If these things seem extremely boring, there are many other fun things you can do. There is Rock Climbing, Zumba, Spin class, Fencing, Roller Skating or even Jump Roping! All of these activities burn lots of calories, help strengthen muscles and most importantly- they're fun!


Also, here is an example of a HIIT workout you can do at home.  HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. 


  • Burpies for 1 minute rest for 30 seconds ( plank position, pushup then bring in knees and jump up)

  • Jump Lunge for 1 minute rest for 30 seconds (go into a lunge and jump up switching to the other leg)

  • Box Jumps for 1 minute rest for 30 seconds ( try to find a platform in your home that is about knee height.  To do the exercise, you want to jump onto the platform and when landing on it go into a squat to absorb some of the impact.

  • Do each exercise 3 times each.


By doing HIIT workouts it is more effective because you're working out with more intensity. This allows you to lose more body fat than a normal cardio workout. In the workout, you have short bursts of exercise, then a short rest period which keeps your heart rate up. If you feel like this workout was not hard enough just search on the internet "HIIT Workouts" to find exercises that are more challlenging.

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